
Articles related to Open Source / Podman:

Consistent DNS name resolution for virtual machines and containers

When developing on microservices, developers need to run a mix of software. Some of them running in containers, others in virtual machines, some others in the cloud and the rest on the developer’s workstation. Microservices having a lot of connections between themselves in addition to technologies such as TLS or OpenID Connect implies DNS names to be consistent. Consistent DNS names means that no matter if a client on the developer workstation, on a VM or on a container, trying to reach a server on the developer workstation, on a VM or on a container, the server DNS name must always be the same. This article explains how to setup a developer workstation on Fedora, with Libvirt VMs and Podman containers and achieve consistent DNS name resolution. Continue reading

Using Podman Compose with Microcks: A cloud-native API mocking and testing tool

Microcks is a cloud-native API mocking and testing tool. It helps you cover your API’s full lifecycle by taking your OpenAPI specifications and generating live mocks from them. It can also assert that your API implementation conforms to your OpenAPI specifications. You can deploy Microcks in a wide variety of cloud-native platforms, such as Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. Developers who do not have corporate access to a cloud-native platform have used Docker Compose. Continue reading