
Articles related to Open Source / OpenShift:

Deploy OpenShift Single Node in KVM

Starting with version 4.8, OpenShift can now officially be installed on a single virtual machine (instead of three). This effectively lowers the resources requirements and open up new possibilities for home labs or developer workstations. This article explores how to deploy OpenShift Single Node (SNO) using KVM on your Fedora workstation. Continue reading

Install Kubernetes operators in OpenShift using only the CLI

OpenShift 4 went all-in on Kubernetes operators: they are used for installation of the platform itself but also to install databases, middlewares, etc. There are more and more operators available on the Operator Hub. Most software now provide an operator and describe how to use it. Nevertheless, almost every software documentation I read so far, includes the steps to install the operator using the nice GUI of OpenShift 4. But since my OpenShift environments are provisioned by a playbook, I want to be able to install operators using the CLI only! Continue reading

Secure your OpenShift 4 cluster with OpenID Connect authentication

OpenShift, starting with the version 4, is installed with a temporary administrator account, kubeadmin. When searching for a definitive solution, it might be tempting to go for the very classical “login and password” prompt, backed by an htpasswd file. But this is yet another password to remember! OpenShift can handle the OpenID Connect protocol and thus offers Single Sign On to its users. No additional password to remember: you can login to the OpenShift console with your Google Account for instance. Continue reading

Airgap OpenShift Installation: move the registry created using oc adm release mirror between environments

Some customers, especially large banks, have very tight security requirements. Most of them enforce a complete disconnection of their internal networks from the Internet. When installing OpenShift in such environments (this is named “disconnected” or “airgap” installation), all the OpenShift images have to be fetched (thanks to oc adm release mirror) in a dedicated registry from a bastion host that is both on the internal network and on the Internet. Continue reading

Deploying Miniflux on OpenShift

Miniflux is a minimalist, open source and opinionated RSS feed reader. There is a hosted instance available at a fair price point but wouldn’t it be cooler to host your own instance on your OpenShift cluster? Let’s do it! Continue reading

Deploying Invidious on OpenShift

Invidious is an alternative frontend to YouTube that is slimmer, faster and at the same time offer more features than YouTube itself. And even more important: it’s Open Source! There is a hosted instance at if you want to give it a try. But, wouldn’t it be cooler to host your own instance on your OpenShift cluster? Let’s do it! Continue reading

Solving the Ansible error 'This module requires the OpenShift Python client'

If you are using MacOS to develop Operators based on Ansible or simply running Ansible playbooks straight from your Mac, you might encounter this error: This module requires the OpenShift Python client. When coping with this error message, two items need to be checked: The openshift python module needs to be installed using the pip command bundled with your Ansible. If you are not using the implicit localhost, your inventory needs to be updated. Continue reading

Use QLKube to query the Kubernetes API

QLKube is a project that exposes the Kubernetes API as GraphQL. GraphQL is a data query and manipulation language for APIs developed initially by Facebook and released as open-source. It strives to reduce the chattiness clients can experience when querying REST APIs. It is very useful for mobile application and web development: by reducing the number of roundtrips needed to fetch the relevant data and by fetching only the needed field, the network usage is greatly reduced. Continue reading

One-liner to decode a Kubernetes secret (base64 encoded)

Creating a Kubernetes secret from a value is easy: $ oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=secretValue=super-secret secret/my-secret created But getting back this value (from a Shell script, for instance) is not so easy since it is now base64 encoded: $ oc get secret my-secret -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-secret namespace: qlkube type: Opaque data: secretValue: c3VwZXItc2VjcmV0 Hopefully, since the latest versions of Kubernetes, there is now a one-liner to extract the field and base64 decode it: Continue reading

Writing workshop instructions with Hugo and deploying in OpenShift

This is the third part of my series covering how to Write workshop instructions with Hugo. In this article, we will deploy our Hugo mini-training as a container in OpenShift. Continue reading