Embedded Systems

Articles concernant Expertise / Embedded Systems:

Send mails on OpenWRT with MSMTP and GmailBritish flag

A previous article named “Install OpenWRT on your Raspberry PI” goes through the setup process to use OpenWRT on your Raspberry PI. As a consequence, you might now have a Raspberry PI running OpenWRT and full of services of which all your family relies on. With great power comes great responsibilities. So, you might want to be notified when something goes wrong, a cron job failed, a hard disk is dying, etc., so that you can fix the problem at earliest, maybe before anyone else could notice. This article explains how to send mails on OpenWRT with MSMTP and a GMail account. Continuer la lecture

Install Miniflux on your Raspberry PIBritish flag

In the article “Nginx with TLS on OpenWRT”, I explained how to install Nginx with TLS support on a Raspberry PI. But without an application to protect, Nginx is quite useless. This article explains how to install Miniflux (a lightweight RSS reader) on your Raspberry PI and how to host it as an Nginx virtual host. Continuer la lecture

Nginx with TLS on OpenWRTBritish flag

In the article “Install OpenWRT on your Raspberry PI”, I explained how to install OpenWRT on a Raspberry PI and the first steps as an OpenWRT user. As I plan to use my Raspberry PI to host plenty of web applications, I wanted to setup a versatile reverse proxy to protect them all, along with TLS support to meet nowadays security requirements. Continuer la lecture

Install OpenWRT on your Raspberry PIBritish flag

OpenWRT is a Linux distribution for embedded systems. It made design choices that take it apart from the usual Linux distributions: musl libc instead of the usual glibc, busybox instead of coreutils, ash instead of bash, etc. As a result, the system is very light and blazing fast! Continuer la lecture