Configure Red Hat SSO for 3scale using the CLI!

3scale API Management can be used in conjunction with Red Hat SSO / Keycloak to secure APIs managed by 3scale using the OpenID Connect protocol.

The official documentation describes the steps to configure Red Hat SSO / Keycloak but it uses the Graphical User Interface, which can be tedious if you have multiple environments to configure. Let’s configure Red Hat SSO for 3scale using the CLI!

As a pre-requisite, install jq.

Fetch the hostname, login and password of your Red Hat SSO instance, from your OpenShift environment.

eval $(oc set env dc/sso --list |egrep '^SSO_(ADMIN|HOSTNAME)')

Alternatively, if you deployed Red Hat SSO outside of OpenShift you can set those variables manually.


Note: According to Red Hat Single Sign-On Component Details, Red Hat SSO 7.3 is based on Keycloak 4.8.15. So, we will install the closest available version of the Keycloak CLI (

Install from the Keycloak 4.8 distibution.

curl -L -o keycloak.tgz
tar zxvf keycloak.tgz
mv keycloak-* /usr/local/share/keycloak/
export PATH="/usr/local/share/keycloak/bin:$PATH"

Authenticate to the Red Hat SSO server. config credentials --server "https://$SSO_HOSTNAME/auth" --realm master --user "$SSO_ADMIN_USERNAME" --client admin-cli --password "$SSO_ADMIN_PASSWORD"

Create the 3scale realm.

REALM=3scale create realms -s realm=$REALM -s enabled=true

Create a client named zync, type confidential and with a chosen client secret: s3cr3t. create clients -r $REALM -s 'clientId=zync' -s 'standardFlowEnabled=false' -s 'directAccessGrantsEnabled=false' -s 'serviceAccountsEnabled=true' -s 'clientAuthenticatorType=client-secret' -s 'secret=s3cr3t'

Now, we need to find the id of the zync client, the realm-management client and zync service account.

ZYNC_CLIENT_ID="$( get clients -r $REALM -q clientId=zync |jq -r '.[0].id')"
RM_CLIENT_ID="$( get clients -r $REALM -q clientId=realm-management |jq -r '.[0].id')"
ZYNC_USER_ID="$( get clients/$ZYNC_CLIENT_ID/service-account-user -r $REALM |jq -r '.id')"

Then, we need to add the realm-management/manage-clients client role to the zync service account. This is achieved by fetching the client role definition of the realm-management client, filtering out everyting except the manage-clients role and piping everything to the create command. get clients/$RM_CLIENT_ID/roles -q name=manage-clients -r $REALM |jq -r '[ .[] | select(.name == "manage-clients") ]' | create users/$ZYNC_USER_ID/role-mappings/clients/$RM_CLIENT_ID -r $REALM -f -

You can verify the client role has been assigned successfully with the following command.

$ get users/$ZYNC_USER_ID/role-mappings/clients/$RM_CLIENT_ID -r $REALM
[ {
  "id" : "08392afe-8ef1-476d-a30c-5943ac5d7f3b",
  "name" : "manage-clients",
  "description" : "${role_manage-clients}",
  "composite" : false,
  "clientRole" : true,
  "containerId" : "61ce88e6-3fb7-41ac-b588-ae3f3aaa8630"
} ]

Then, in the 3scale Admin Portal, pick a product and drill down to Integration > Settings. You can use the following URL for the OpenID Connect Issuer (replace $SSO_HOSTNAME with its actual value).

OpenID Connect Issuer settings in the 3scale Admin Portal.
OpenID Connect Issuer settings in the 3scale Admin Portal.

Or when deploying an API in 3scale with the 3scale toolbox, you can use:

3scale import openapi -d 3scale-saas --oidc-issuer-endpoint=https://zync:s3cr3t@$SSO_HOSTNAME/auth/realms/3scale /path/to/openapi.yaml

In this article, we discovered how to configure Red Hat SSO for 3scale using the CLI!