Ansible: Add a prefix or suffix to all items of a list

Recently, in one of my Ansible playbooks I had to prefix all items of a list with a chosen string.

Namely, from the following list:

[ "bar", "bat", "baz" ]

I want to have:

[ "foobar", "foobat", "foobaz" ]

The recipe I used to add a prefix to all items of a list is:

- debug:
    var: result
    prefix: foo
    a_list: [ "bar", "bat", "baz" ]
    result: "{{ [prefix] | product(a_list) | map('join') | list }}"

If you need to add a suffix to all items of a list instead, you can use:

- debug:
    var: result
    suffix: foo
    a_list: [ "bar", "bat", "baz" ]
    result: "{{ a_list | product([suffix]) | map('join') | list }}"